Volume One.
Photo & Script : Seiichi Hishikawa
写真・脚本 : 菱川勢一
Looking through the viewfinder often makes me feel like I am looking at a scene from a movie. There are many scenarios I created inspired by the printed photographs. A story with a scene and a photo. The collection of the stories by many persons from many places certainly exists as “Found stories from a movie that doesn’t exist”.
Seiichi Hishikawa Filmmaker/Photographer
映像作家・写真家 菱川勢一
"The Rye Field and the Sky" 2009 Scotland
“Where’s mama coming from?”
The boy jumps around, crisscrossing the sidewalk, restlessly looking around for something.
The man leans against the fence and stares at the southern exit of th station. He does not seem to be looking for someone, but is staring intently at one place. He knows that no one will come, no matter how long he waits, but he does not want the boy to know this. He forces a smile and pretends that she is coming from the southern exit.
“In the letter, it said that she’s coming at four o’clock. It’s already past four!” The boy looks at the clock tower again and again.
“Oh, there she is! Oh… that’s not Mama. She wouldn’t wear something like that – looks like a big walking carrot!”
He can’t help but to laugh at the boy’s comment. “A walking carrot… that’s nice. We’ll need a big pot to make a soup out of that.”
ライ麦と空 2009 Scotland
「手紙には4時に着くって書いてあったよ。もうとっくに4時を過ぎてるよ」 遠くにある時計塔を何度も何度も見る少年。
「あっ! 来た! 違った、ママじゃなかった。ママはあんな洋服は着ないね。あれじゃ、まるでニンジンみたいだ。」
思わず笑ってしまう男。 「ニンジン人間か。そりゃあいいな。スープを作るには大きな窯がいるな。」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Romantic Gunshot" 2009 Scotland
“Look at him,” a man points at a man in suite walking on the other side of the street.
He suddenly throws the beer bottle at the man. It crashes and breaks into smithereen on the street. The suited man looks in surprise and glances this way, but pretending he does not see it, he keeps walking away.
“Bastard!” the man yells. The suited man, as soon as he heard it, runs away.
He clicks his tonge in disgust, and yells out to his friends, “Shit, let’s go to a pub.”
“Thanks to guys like him working and paying taxes, we can keep going....”
“Yeah, that’s right, that’s right. He better keep working hard.”
The man grabs the beer a woman has been drinking, and drinks it down in one gulp.
“I sure ain’t planning to stay in this shit life of mine.”
ロマンティック・ガンショット 2009 Scotland
「あいつ見ろよ」 男が通りの向こう側にいるスーツを着た男のほうを指している。
すると突然持っていたビール瓶を男の方へ投げた。 ガシャン! と道路のうえで破裂するように割れた。スーツ男は一瞬おどろいて、こちらを見たが気にしていないようなそぶりを見せて、背中を向けて歩きはじめた。
「クソやろう! 」 男が怒鳴る。それを聞くと、スーツ男は走っていってしまった。
チッ 舌打ちをしている男に仲間が声をかける。
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Liege station" 2008 Hungary
When the conductor turns around, he sees the woman standing there. She gestures to him as if to say she is carrying nothing.
“You didn’t come here to kill me...”
“Kill you? I don’t love you that much. I just wanted to see you.”
The man frowns, but his mouth relaxes slightly. He takes out a pocket watch and, without taking his eyes off of it, says,
“You know, when you are leaving...”
The woman interrupts him,
“I’m pregnant.”
リエージュの駅 2008 Hungary
「7年ぶり。 か。おまえが家を出るときの。。」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Friendship" 2008 Belgium
“What are you reading today?”
The waiter, who brought over a glass of coke, tries to read the title of the book.
“Stop it, why should you care?”
Slightly irritated by the waiter – who is, after one of his few friends he has – the young man places his finger to mark the page he had been reading and sips on the drink.
The waiter watches him intently. The young man slowly opens his eyes as he sips on the drink. Their eyes meet. He places the glass on the table.
“What do you want? Stop staring. You are creeping me out.”
The waiter gently looks at him and begins in a low voice,
“Why do you always drink coke without ice? That’s the only thing you drink… hey, why is that?”
And without waiting for the answer, the waiter walks away to the back to behind the counter. The fat man sitting at counter turns around to look at the young man as the waiter brushes past him.
フレンドシップ 2008 Belgium
「なんで、いつも”氷無しのコーラ”なんだ。 お前、それしか飲まないじゃないか。そろそろそのワケを教えろよ。」
そう言うと理由を聞かずにウェイターは店の奥へと入っていく。 すれ違いざまにカウンターに座っていた太った男が振り向く。
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Letters" 2000 France
Mon Cher Paul,
The beautiful season of autumn has arrived to Paris. As Jacques Dutronc writes in Il est 5 heures, Paris s'eveille, I’ve been waking up at 5am every morning to go to the foot of the Eiffel Tower and breathe deeply. Last week, my friend Chloe and I traveled south to stay at Aix-en-Provence. Cezanne’s atelier is still there – you should have seen the soft light lightening the studio all day long from the big northern window. And, far away, Le Mont Sainte-Victoire. I could almost see Cezanne taking a walk in the garden. At the fountain in the city center, so many children were running around, and the quartet was playing, and everyone was smiling and laughing in the cafe. It reminded me of the past. This is what Paris used to be. Chloe and I forgot all about the time and talked and talked. I found a wonderful postcard, so I’m enclosing it with this letter. Have you settled in Belgium? Are you getting along with your dorm mates? Don’t drink too much Coke – just because your papa was very fond of it doesn’t mean you should take after him. You know you can return to Paris whenever you want. Your room is exactly the way you left it.
Your maman, Elise
1000通の手紙 2000 France
パリには美しい秋の季節がやってきました。ジャック・デュトロンが「それは5時、パリが目醒める」 と書いているように、毎朝5時に起きてはまだ暗いエッフェルの足元へ行き、深呼吸するのが日課になりました。先週はお友達のクロエと一緒にエクス=アン・プロヴァンスへ行きました。そこにはセザンヌのアトリエが今でも残っていて、北向きの大きな窓からは一日中優しい光が差し込んでいます。遠くにはサント=ヴィクトワール山がみえて、なんだかセザンヌがまだお庭を散歩しているのではないかという気持ちになりました。その街の旧市街にある噴水広場にはたくさんの子供たちが走り回り、カルテットが演奏し、カフェではみんなが笑っていました。ちょっぴり昔を思い出しました。パリではすっかり見れなくなった朗らかな風景に、何時間も時間を忘れてクロエとおしゃべりをしてしまいました。とっても素敵な絵の絵はがきを見つけたので同封しておきます。ベルギーの街は慣れましたか? 寮の仲間とは仲良くやっていますか? パパが好きだったからといってあまりコーラを飲み過ぎないでね。いつでもパリへ帰ってきていいですよ。部屋はそのままにしてありますからね。
あなたのママ エリーゼより
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"The Unknown Future" 2003 France
A man – the Father – leads three ponies. Each pony carries his son. The smallest pony pulls a small buggy. A boy rides the buggy.
“George, what are you going to be when you grow up?” the oldest brother riding the pony asks the brother next to him.
“Me, I want to be a chef. A three-star chef.” “You can’t be a chef, you can’t even catch a fish.” Two brothers begin to quarrel.
“I’m okay with dead fish, we only use dead fish for cooking!” “That’s disgusting! You’re going to cook dead fish?” “Isn’t it right, we only cook dead fish?”
Laughing, the oldest brother says, “You’re right. It’s cruel to cook a live fish...”
The youngest brother whispers, his voice erased by his two older brothers conversing, and with the wheels of the buggy.
“I... I want to be a doctor. I want to make my sister better. “
The father hears the whisper. The father does not say anything; he is happy by the tight bond of his family, and keeps walking.
アンノウン・フューチャー 2003 France
「うえええ、死んだ魚を料理するのかい? 気持ちわりいな」
「だってそうだろ? ねえお兄さん、料理する魚は死んでるでしょう?」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Vincent’s Wednesday" 2009 Scotland
“Your song got no soul.”
Throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it, she spats at him. The hand gathering the coin stops; the musician looks up at the woman.
He clicks his tongue to show anger, but he can’t find the right words for retort.
“Why do you only sing on Wednesdays. I know. You only come here on Wednesday,” She says without meeting his stare.
He observes her arm from behind the sunglasses. She sports a big bruise on her wrist. He takes up his guitar to start playing again. The woman looks shy suddenly. She lights up a new cigarette.
“Shit, you look exactly like my dead man.”
「ヴィンセントの水曜日」2009 Scotland
チッ 舌打ちをしてみたものの、男は言い返す言葉が見つからない。
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Sunset over Mountain Utelle" 2005 France
After the run, the horse slows down and nears the fence. The woman, who had been stroking her own hair nervously, relaxes visibly.
The only thing anyone can hear in the pasture in this sleepy village is the breathing of the horse.
The mane, reflecting the sunset, glisten.
With her hand over her eyes, The woman gazes at the sun sinking behind the Utelle Mountain.
The time seemed to have stopped. The quiet village.
The smoke rises from the chimney of a far away house.
The spring is nearing.
As if savouring every moment, she quietly climbs off from the horse.
Gradually, the night is envloping the village.
「ウテレの夕日」2005 France
走り終えた馬がゆっくりと柵に近づいてくる。 鬣を軽く撫でながらさっきまで少し緊張していた女の顔がゆるむ。
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Juliet's life" 2003 France
A cloudy Paris morning, threatening to rain any moment.
A woman keeps walking through the red light, disregarding the traffic.
She is carrying a brown envelope full of papers in her hand. The other hand is hidden in the coat pocket.
She walks. She keeps walking, muttering something to herself.
“How long am I continuing this? How long more?”
She stops at the light on the boulevard. A boy and his father on the way to work also stand there, waiting for the light to change.
It seems that the father has left something behind. He tells his son, “I left some documents home. I’ll be right back, but can you wait here?”
“Of course, papa. I’ll be here. I won’t go anywhere.”
“Good boy,” the father says, and quickly runs back to the apartment.
The cars in traffic. The light does not change.
The woman’s and the boy’s eyes meet.
“Mademoiselle, you have a beautiful hair color.”
“And my boy, your eyes are like jewels.”
The sky begins to clear slowly.
「ジュリエットの人生」2003 France
「いつまでこんな毎日を続けているの? 私。」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"The Younger Teacher" 2009 Scotland
“I’ve been waiting for you. I know you always buy croissant here,” the woman begins angrily as she closes in on the man trying to get off his bicycle.
“Do you shop here as well?” Taken back, he shifts his body on the saddle.
“I’ve been thinking about what to say to you when I talk to you for the first time. I’ve been thinking for an hour…” she says, and walks closer to the man.
“For a pickup line, it’s pretty pedantic. Couldn’t you think of something better- like a joke or something?”
“Of course I did. But only my cousin, Sam, would laugh at jokes in situation like this.”
He laughs in response.
She, too, laughs.
Silence. Then she gets closer to him and tells him, “I want to sleep with you. I’m going crazy from wanting you so badly. That’s what I really wanted to tell you.”
「年下の先生」2009 Scotland
「待ち伏せしてたの、いつもここでクロワッサンを買うことを知っていたわ」 自転車を降りようとする男に近づきながら険しい表情で話し始める女。
「君もここでクロワッサンを買うのかい?」 少し戸惑った様子で自転車を降りてもう一度腰掛ける男。
「はじめの言葉をうんと考えたわ。もう1時間も考えたのよ」 そういうと男に近づく女。
「思いついたわ。けれど、こんな時に思いつくジョークで笑うのはいとこのサムくらいよ」 そう女が言うと男が笑った。
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Grandmother's Treasures" 2011 France
“Look at that girl. Oh dear, she sure has an ugly body.”
“She looks like the dog next door. Unfriendly.”
“You should teach her what a real woman is.”
“Oh la la, if I strip here, I’m going to stop the traffic.”
“Ha, the policemen will come in troves.
They are both carrying so much cash in their bags.
“We can go anywhere. So what if we can’t go to Nice.”
“I’d like to see La Ciota.”
“Do you think we’ll see the Lumiere brothers?”
“Maybe they’ll ask us to act in their film.”
The old ladies look longingly at a man they pass by.
“We’re really not traveling, are we?”
“You’re looking for your son, right? I knew it all along.”
“I’ll go with you. There’s nothing good on TV anyways.”
「おばあちゃんの世界遺産」2011 France
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Scratch Noise" 2011 Italy
“You’ve fucked her, haven’t you?”
“You mean, that woman? Oh jesus, don’t even start…”
“Don’t even start!? Why would that woman come to tell me all about it?”
“Is she good in bed?”
“Hey, hey, like I said, I didn’t fuck her.”
“You know what I heard? Why she’s here?”
“Heard she’s running away. Something happened back in America.”
“What, what?”
“Heard she killed someone.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know the details. Have you seen the tattoo on her arm?”
“Inside of her right arm. A name.”
“How should I know?”
“How’s that related to the killing?”
“I know this guy who looked up the tattoo name on the internet. After that, he just shut up.”
“What’s the name on the arm?”
“Don’t know. Why don’t you ask her? Maybe better we don’t know.”
“I want to know.”
“Me too.”
「スクラッチ・ノイズ」2011 Italy
「ねえねえ、知ってる? あの女がどうしてこの街に来たか」
「え! なぜ?」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"accelerando" 2009 Scotland
A girl runs down the stairs and opens the front door. As soon as she sees her father coming out of the living room, she says,
“My piano teacher told me I’m good. She praised me yesterday, for the first time.”
She moves her fingers over an imaginary keyboard, looking happy.
“So what did you do so well that she praised you”, he asks as he looks for the house key, then turns to look at her.
The girl, smiling, keeps pretending to play the piano.
“Here, this measure. I kept forgetting to play one note, but yesterday…” she keeps playing the piece, again and again, as if to prove to him that she can really play.
“I did it perfectly yesterday,” she says a little shyly.
“I wonder what made you play so well,” Father says, and hands her the stuffed rabbit toy.
She does not reply to him; instead, she walks outside and points to the street.
“Oh look, Uncle Vincent is here!”
「アッチェレランド」2009 Scotland
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
“Looking for a Home” 2009 Scotland
“Do they have a pool at the house we are going to go see today?”
Three of them walk the sidewalk: the daughter, happy; the son, reluctant; and the mother, tired.
“There was a pool at the house where we went last week, but you didn’t like it…” The mother grabs hold of her daughter and tenderly runs her hand through the soft hair.
“Mama, there was no skylight! If there’s no skylight, I can’t talk with Api…”
The daughter takes her mother’s hand in hers, and presses it against her heart.
“Oh yes, Api… Your imaginary friend,” says the mother.
The son, in a bad mood, looks at his sister and says, “You know Api doesn’t exist! I’ve never seen her!”
“She does, too! If there’s a skylight, she can enter through it… You can see her during the starry night!”
「家を探して」2009 Scotland
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Good bye, Let’s meet in Aachen." 2008 Germany
A woman looks at the train schedule intently. A man bumps into her from behind.
“I’m so sorry. Do you need help with where you are going?”
“I’m sorry as well. Oh no, no. I’m wondering whether I should get on the train or not.”
He begins to walk away, but for some reason, there’s something about her that catches his attention. He glances back at her.
She looks up at the clock. In a voice so quiet, she whispers,
“Probably, I’m making the wrong decision…”
He looks at the train schedule she had been intently staring at, and without taking his eyes off of the board, asks her,
“Which train are you getting on?”
She looks up at the schedule once again and whispers,
“The next one to Liege.”
He looks at her,
“Same here.”
In his hand, he carries a paperback copy of a Fitzgerald novel.
「アーヘンで逢いましょう」2008 Germany
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Inner-city" 2011 Italy
A married couple and two daughters stand atop the cliff.
The daughters haven’t been to the sea for a while. They are happy. The father looks at his daughters.
He sports a big scar on his face. The wound of the past that he cannot let go.
“How long has it been... coming to the sea as a family...” The mother says as she moves her hand as if tracing the horizon.
“You were never home,” the eldest says sarcastically, but happily.
“Yeah,” says the younger one, and laughs.
The father does not speak; he stares at the sea.
He slowly pats his cheek with his left hand, then breathes deeply.
The father says softly, “Why don’t we walk a bit?”
「インナーシティ」2011 Italy
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Key" 2008 Germany
“So, what is the lawyer saying?”
“He says, just settle out of court....”
“That’s crazy. He’s the one who cheated. He’s the one who decided on divorce! Why should I pay him? I should be the one getting paid!”
“I know.”
Silence in conversation.
Laughter and conversation echo throughout the beer hall.
A waiter asks whether they need anything else. One in the group declines with a look.
“is there something you can’t tell us?”
Silence follows.
“There’s one thing only he knows. And if that gets out, my daughter and I will be very unhappy.
「記憶の中の鍵」2008 Germany
なぜ、こっちがお金を払うの? こっちが請求する側でしょ?」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Day at the Louvre" 1998 France
“Dominique, where’s your mommy?”
“Where’s that?”
“Somewhere in Scotland.”
“Wonder why everyone’s naked here...”
“Maybe they didn’t have any money.”
“I guess they didn’t have GAP yet.”
“Brigitte, aren’t you drawing?”
“I’m not good.”
“But you have to. It’s sketching day today.”
“Why do we have to draw?”
“Why do you say that?”
“We can take pictures. Or video.”
“You’re right...”
“What are you drawing?”
“It’s looks funny.”
“It’s really mommy.”
“What’s that?”
“Everyone’s naked here, but I’ve never seen my mommy without clothes.”
「ルーブルの休日」1998 France
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"White Bridge" 2006 France
“To tell you the truth, I was there that day,” the woman says and stops walking for a second. Then begins to walk again.
“To the church? Why didn’t you talk to me?” asks the man quietly as he looks down, walking next to her.
“At that time, we were just former lovers,” the woman strokes the rail of the bridge, then takes the glove off.
“Then why did you come to the church?” he peers into her face.
“I don’t know. I just knew I had to go.” She lightly touches the streetlamp, and, finding a scar, she traces it with her fingertips.
“How ironic is it that here we are, walking together once again on Pont Neuf.”
“Once upon a time, we were lovers. Now, as brother and sister.”
「白い橋」2006 France
「教会に? なぜ声をかけてくれなかったの?」
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
"Beautiful Future" 2003 Japan
The man is busy taking photos.
Amidst the chaotic bustle, he hears a new voice.
He takes his eye off the finder, and gazes at toward the voice.
Only that voice can be heard from the room.
The mother, in tearful voice, tells the new voice:
“Thank you for being born.”
「美しき未来」2003 Japan